Call for papers

Fake Intelligence Summit is in the core of AI literacy. It’s up to us to build a resistance against AI bubble. We invite you to attend Fake Intelligence Summit and submit proposals for papers.



We know the concepts of fake news, data biases and people living in their bubbles. Fake intelligence covers pretty much the same topics but in context of AI: We have to have critical discussions on how data affects to any AI and eventually reveal all kinds of AI bubbles.

  • Data biases e.g. in statistical reasoning and decision making
  • Algorithm biases e.g. in products and services
  • Cognitive biases e.g. in learning
  • Indicators of a bubble e.g. in news and investments
  • To believe twitter or to believe AI

And it is more. Game AI has always been there to entertain players. In most cases it is art of stupidity: Perfect opponent is boring, but human like can be entertaining. Science fiction is fiction, but we have to understand is as an art and still be able to connect the message of fiction into reality, “ignorance is strength”, right?

  • Science, fiction and reality
  • Games and storytelling
  • Magic, clever tricks and cheats
  • AI and dystopia

Finally, what’s the difference between emulating, mimicking and faking, and when it really matters?

  • Emulating, mimicking and faking
  • Limits of human thinking
  • Limits of computational intelligence
  • Rebranding artificial intelligence


Feel also free to discover your own topic. Style is free, parody and satire are completely ok. Because our general literacy is always limited and it is also very difficult to understand what we have read, don’t write too difficult papers.


Student and Startup Sessions

Students are encouraged to take part in the Summit with more practical Papers. (please indicate with your submission if the primary author is a full-time student) First ten Student Papers are free of charge.


Paper Awards

All presented full papers will be considered by the Program Committee for Outstanding Paper Awards. There will also be an award for Outstanding Student/Startup Paper (therefore, please indicate with your submission if the primary author is a full-time student/entrepreneur). Furthermore, about 20% of the participants are awarded the Critical Thinking Award.


Abstract submission

Authors are invited to submit an abstract of at most 2000 characters (spaces included) by 7th of March 2019.
The abstracts should be written in English and submitted to Please use the Fake Intelligence template.

Writers will be notified of acceptance by 15 March 2019 (extended).


Video Submission

Authors will make a 10-15 min video presentation of his/her topic. The videos will be available on the Summit website on Tuesday, May 7. The abstracts and the optional papers will be published on the website next to the videos.


Proceedings paper submission

Authors of abstracts are encouraged to submit their paper (6-8 pages) for the Conference Proceedings.
Paper submission is open until 15 April 2019. Please Use the Fake Intelligence template. Papers will be peer reviewed.



07 March 2019: Abstract submissions (extended)
15 March 2019: Notifications (extended)
15 April 2019: Abstract revisions, video and paper submissions
07 May 2019: Online conference date



On behalf of the program committee,

PhD Harri Ketamo (chair)
PhD Cimmo Nurmi
PhD (hc) Peter Vesterbacka